Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Have you filled in the forms with your details on our website and are now worried about what will happen to them? We will tell you what a privacy policy is.

This is a virtual document that has real power. You agree to the use of your personal data and it automatically falls under the protection of our website. All user data that is collected for us by cookies or that you provide to us yourself is used exclusively to make our website more useful and interesting for users. We increase the level of interaction efficiency by using your data.

Protection of general and personal data. How we store your data and how vulnerable it is.

Once a user has consented to the processing of personal data or has accepted our cookies, he automatically falls under the protection of our temporary technologies. Only our employees who are authorized to do so under their employment regulations during the performance of their duties may use the data for our purposes or pass it on to partners in accordance with this privacy policy.

What data do we transfer to our partners and why? What is general information.

General information is all that cookies collect for us. This is mainly data about how many visitors have visited our portal, what they did there, at what time of day they visited us and how long they spent there. This is the kind of reporting that is passed on to analysis services.